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Without a doubt, one of the hardest parts of creating and boosting an online shop’s revenue is marketing. Everything revolves around advertising and marketing—driving targeted traffic, converting them into customers, and then retaining these customers to increase their lifetime value.

Most tech startups and e-commerce websites will fail due to a lack of marketing strategies and implementations, that’s where Bigcommerce’s fantastic feature list come into play. The entire Bigcommerce system is based around nurturing an online shop into existence and then steadily growing their revenue.

Check out a few of the hard-hitting marketing features from Bigcommerce:

  • Coupon Codes With Tracking
  • “Limited Time Offer’ Promo Campaigns
  • Online Gift Certificates – Brand your website as a high-quality shop
  • Shipping Discounts
  • Ability To Discount Based On Bulk Orders
  • Customer Group-Specific Pricing
  • Sale Pricing While Showcasing The Drop In Percentage
  • Setting Minimum and Maximum Quantity
  • Awesome Online Shop Design Templates And Functionality


These type of features come into play when you reach the second step of your online shop, the time when you need one thing: sales. As long as the money is coming in, then your website will be thriving and that is exactly what Bigcommerce focuses on. The entire sales funnel and operation has been optimized to make sure that each and every potential customer that clicks onto your site will be turned into a paying customer.

Another great feature of Bigcommerce’s built-in marketing plan is the ability to save your never-finished orders. Get this—almost 70% of orders that make it to the shopping cart phase are never completed. Potential buyers—often people that are super-interested in your product but slightly unsure or maybe they are looking for more reviews of your services/products to make sure that their money is going into a good place—are literally the best people to market your services towards because these are the people that want to purchase your product but they need that extra nudge. The creators of Bigcommerce realized this issue and have implemented one of the strongest (potential) customer retention plans in the world.

We have never before seen a program this advanced and this intuitive. Bigcommerce is smart enough to realize when people leave items in the shopping cart and it then has the knowledge to market your products towards these people using their captured email, to make sure that they have that second opportunity to purchase which means more money into the website owner’s pocket.

Wondering how well this program works? We were curious, and found out that 15% of users that normally would have left the items sitting in the shopping cart will come back and complete their order after going through this Bigcommerce marketing plan. All in all, Bigcommerce provides the best kind of online commerce solution for only the smartest marketers who want to increase their profits, streamline their marketing process, and smooth out their financials and overall customer tracking. Pretty much, it’s a no-brainer!

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