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Importance of Google Analytics

Businesses opt for numerous different strategies to increase genuine traffic over their web pages. Such vital steps may include SEO optimization, Social Media Campaigns, Referrals, Advertising, and much more. But even after all these methods, they may be unable to gauge the exact state of their website.

What a potential loss would that be!

Your website plays an extremely vital role in acquiring genuine customers for your brand. It displays all your offerings and compels the user to make a purchase. The image of the web pages primarily affects the lead generation for the business.

A website has numerous aspects associated with it. This includes the total page visits in a day, the number of people going back without any scrolling, the adequate time spent over a page, and much more. These all indicate user behavior and are estimated by the engagements of the customers. All the data is gathered in real-time and deeply analyzed to draw valid conclusions for the future.

But, how do we get these analyzed results?

It is through Google Analytics!

Launched in 2005 by the tech giant Google, this platform has served to be the most effective way of tracking your website’s virtual data. Google Analytics is a tool for considering the traffic one gains over the web pages and further analyzes them to draw valuable insights.

To thoroughly assess your website and track each user activity, Google Analytics generates detailed reports to provide all the relevant and accurate data about the company. The column-wise results assist in noting down all the essential factors affecting the brand.

Simplifying it through an example- the results tracked in the report for an average session rate would serve us with the necessary information about how impactful and attractive the landing page appears to the user. This vital data aids us in multiple ways, including:

It tells us what is liked and what isn’t
This is the goldmine for most creators and marketers. Google Analytics serves us with a detailed reporting of what strategies worked for you and what went down the hill. This aspect lets the user know what is considered more effective in his work plan and the methods that were not well received by his audience.

Imagine, the report indicates a large bulk of unique views over the first “About Us” page. This will enable us to know the kind of content and layout implemented on the page that was liked.

Helps in creating future pages
Once you know what works the best for you, taking appropriate actions for the future becomes easy. You get to decide the strategies to be re-implemented for generating a similar result.

Informs us about the most converting sources
The Google Analytics report specifies which source generated the most leads and brought in new clients. These can be direct URLs, Instagram redirections, or a referral link- all these can be considered to fetch genuine customers.

Once you know the primary source, you should be in place to invest more into the channel and maintain its connectivity with the brand.

Google Analytics is a wonder-tool if used in the right way with the correct approach and dedication. Leveraging its astounding results, a brand can efficiently work on itself and grow further!

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