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Google holds nearly 80% of the global search engine market share and has continued to remain at the top while leaving Yahoo and Bing behind. With this incredible statistic in place, Google has acclaimed immense power and dominance over the search engine dynamics and controls the top results displayed to the users worldwide.

After witnessing an expansive growth since its introduction in 1997, Google continues to widen its services even today. Its intervention in the mobile industry, facilities extended for mailing tools, and moving into enterprise products have played a significant part in earning Google one of the highest tech company revenues in 2020 with roughly 181.69 billion U.S. dollars.

The most potent aspect in Google that has resulted in turning all the tables and changing the online dynamics has been in the Search Engine market. While creating a high-end impact on the search results and gaining an edge over Yahoo and Bing, Google has successfully made its place in the sphere.

Google’s Dominance
Like other search engines, Google also aims to provide relevant information to the users following their queries. The striking difference in Google’s algorithms sets it apart is the focus it lays on utmost user experience in addition to the paid spot placements. Yahoo, an effective search engine, preferred to display its results based on the order of its highest-paid advertisers. This, at times, failed to provide relevant information to the user.

Extending the same concept, Google designed its algorithm to consider several aspects, including the links in the website and the contact information provided by the site owner. This helped put forward authentic and relevant results in front of the user, which is precisely where SEO found its place.

SEO: Key to Increased Visibility
One of the major factors taken into account by Google for deciding the ranks in the Search Engine Result Pages(SERPs) is the optimal usage of apt and relevant keywords that define a particular business and its services. Inculcation of these keywords: one-word or long tail, gives way to Search Engine Optimization.

A technique built for websites to organically rank on Google and increase their online visibility while aiming to reach the potential audience — SEO is undoubtedly the key to enhance one’s digital presence. According to the statistics, on the first page of Google alone, the first five organic results account for 67.60% of all the clicks. This indicates the dire need for optimizing content over the web pages to rank higher in the search results. Other engines, including Bing and Yahoo, also emphasize these keywords, but the maximum optimization can be seen over Google.

You can reach your potential customer only when they know your brand’s existence and are well-informed about your services. Good SEO practices can help take this message to your audience and bridge the physical gap with ease.

SEO is undoubtedly a wonder-tool if leveraged practically, leading you to disrupt the Google searches like never before!

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