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Website Magazine (September 2014) recently published an article titles ‘Mobile Madness’. In it they quoted a number of interesting statistics such as….

  • The average person looks at their phone 110 times a day as well as up to every 6 seconds in the evening. (Daily Mail, Oct. 2013)
  • This year, the number of mobile devices in circulation (expected to be 7.7 billion) will outnumber the total world population of 7.1 billion. (PennyStockslab, Apr. 2014)
  • Apple’s total mobile e-commerce sales from 2013 amounted to $8.4 billion in the U.S.    (E-consultancy, Jan.2014)
  • Mobile has hit its tipping point as 58 percent of American now own a smartphone and 42 percent own a tablet. (Pew Research, Jan 2014)
  • Nearly one-third of all eBay purchases in the world included some type of interaction from a mobile device at some point in the transaction. (E-consultancy, Jan. 2014)

Need I say more in favor of all websites having a responsive design?


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