Web Design Solutions that Empower Your Brand Tel: 941.870.5343

Our tagline for this year is “Is Your Website Serving Your Business?” Our intention is for people to take a close look at their website to answer that question, but what exactly should they be looking for? I just happened to be looking at our first website when we started our company in 1999 and came across the website evaluations page as you see here. The questions listed are still relevant to today’s websites and can help answer if your website is serving your business or not.

I would also add a few more questions such as; Is it up-to-date? Is your branding clear? Where are you ranked in the search engines? is it mobile friendly? Are you keeping up with the trends such as adding video to your website? There is a lot more to think of in evaluating a website because a lot has changed since 1999! To be continued……

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