Top Tips for Staying Safe Online
- Additional security is a random, one-time password delivered to the user’s phone or email by the website’s authentication servers.
- The answers to your secret questions.
- A fingerprint scan or any other type of biometric identification, like a voice or facial scan.

3. Be Cautious About Phishing Scams
Phishing refers to the act of deceiving a target into accessing a harmful link or email attachment by an adversary. Phishing is a technique employed by malicious actors to compromise the security of a user’s device by introducing malware or by illicitly obtaining login credentials.
If an email of questionable origin is received, it is advisable to exercise caution before clicking on hyperlinks or accessing attachments. It is important to note that phishing is not limited to email communication, as it is possible to receive phishing links through SMS messages or chat platforms.
4. Regularly Update Antivirus & Software Programs
Maintaining current software versions is crucial to your online security. All sorts of security fixes, both big and minor, are bundled into software upgrades, from the programs you use every day to the OS on your computer or phone. However, without installing the update, your device is vulnerable to those flaws in security.
To illustrate, imagine someone posted on Facebook that they were leaving all their windows open for a three-week vacation and then waiting to see what happened. It’s conceivable that local burglars would break in and steal their possessions.
A warning about a security flaw is similar to that Facebook message, except that it will attract cybercriminals rather than TV thieves. They will grab all you have if you don’t “lock your windows” (i.e., update your programs and systems).
5. Take Backups
What would happen if you accidentally locked your device and couldn’t get into your files? The use of ransomware is a reality. Ransomware is malicious software that encrypts a user’s files and then demands payment to unlock them. Take backups of your data if your device is lost, stolen, or infected with malware.
Do you wish to protect yourself from potential dangers while using the internet? Contact our team today to get the best online security for your websites.